What If You Could Re-Invent Your Life From the Inside Out 
With Clarity, Confidence & Courage to Forward After Divorce?  

The Divorce Recovery Toolkit

How to Re-Invent Your Life With Clarity, Confidence & the Courage to Move Forward After Divorce (This Works Even If  You've Been Stuck in Guilt, Shame & Blame)

“Your power to choose the direction of your life allows you to reinvent yourself, to change your future, and to powerfully influence the rest of creation.” —Stephen Covey

This course is perfect for you if...

You've felt stuck in GUILT, SHAME & BLAME after divorce and you feel like you're ready to start moving forward BUT, you don't exactly know how...

​You're ready to reclaim your PERSONAL POWER and honor your needs without neglecting the needs of others...

You know it's time to regain your CONFIDENCE without needing the approval of others...

You want to re-establish BOUNDARIES while keeping your heart open to love again...

You want to learn to TRUST again without being taken advantage of... 

You want to govern your life well and MAKE DECISIONS without 2nd-guessing yourself... 

You want to recognize your own VALUE and WORTH without running into the arms of another man for validation...

You want to reinvent your life AFTER DIVORCE!

“Don’t ever feel like your best days are behind you. Reinvention is the purest form of hope. Make today your best yet.” —Phil Wohl

How will this course change your life?

Confidence is more than just walking into a room and feeling good about yourself. Confidence, to Amelia Earhart, was the willingness to go after her impossible. Confidence, to her, was the ability to drown out the inner voices of self-doubt, self-sabotage, and self-defeat so that she could focus on what she wanted.

If you watch these videos, do the strategic, self-reflective journaling in these lessons, and trust the process, you will have "AHA Moments" that lead to massive shifts and breakthroughs in a short amount of time. 

You will feel yourself coming into alignment with who you are apart from a man and apart from what you've been through. You will notice yourself thinking differently. Your confidence will begin to skyrocket and blossom with every module that you complete. Just like Amelia Earhart, you'll have the skills needed to drown out the inner voices of self-doubt, self-sabotage, and self-defeat.

Your CONFIDENCE is about to awaken and you are about to RISE UP so that you can
LIVE WHOLE After Divorce.

Here's What's Included:

The Divorce Recovery Toolkit

How to Re-Invent Your Life With Clarity, Confidence & the Courage to Move Forward After Divorce (This Works Even If  You've Been Stuck in Guilt, Shame & Blame)

  • 6 Powerful, Life-Altering Modules with Video Trainings to Help You Re-Invent Your Life from a Powerful Perspective
  • Strategic Divorce Recovery Worksheets to Help You Re-Invent Your life with Clarity, Confidence and Courage
  • Thought-Provoking Mental and Emotional Exercises to Up-level Your Mindsets So That You Can Transition into Your New Life, Powerfully
  • ​A Divorce Recovery Journal to Track Your "Aha Moments"
  • Special BONUSES to Get You Moving Forward Faster
You'll Also Get These Super Cool Bonuses:
  • BONUS #1: How to Date with Dignity & Find Love Later in Life
  • BONUS #2: A Free Downloadable version of Divorced But Not Defined - How  to Live Whole, After Divorce
  • BONUS #3: How to Date Like a Diamond & Find Love, Later in Life  BONUS E-Book
What's Inside:
  • Module 1: Re-frame: Re-frame the Painful Events of Your Past & Come Back Home to YOU Without Blame, Shame & Guilt 
  • Module 2: Re-Align: Re-Align Your Life & Transition Into Your New Season with Grace & Ease
  • Module 3: Re-Claim: Re-claim Your Personal Power After Being in a Toxic Relationship
  • Module 4: Re-Gain: Re-gain Your Confidence Without Needing the Approval, Validation or Permission From Others
  • Module 5: Re-Ignite: Re-ignite Self-Trust & Self-Belief After Loss, Betrayal and Devastation (Even If You've Felt Overwhelmed with Disappointment & Regret)
  • Module 6: Re-Store & Re-Establish: Re-store Hope & Re-Establish Goals That Lead to a Life of Happiness, With or Without a Man
You've got this, Girl!
I can totally relate...
If we haven't met yet, my name is Angela Aja...
I remember not so long ago...I experienced one of my worst nightmares...the "D" word! Yes, DIVORCE!

My life got turned upside down, seemingly overnight. I come from a long line of happily-married couples. How could this have happened to me? I was a pastor's wife, counseling couples on a weekly basis, helping them save their marriages and I couldn't even save my own? How in the world did this happen?

It stripped me of my confidence and sent me into a tailspin of depression, anxiety and bad decisions. On top of trying to wrap my head around the abandonment, rejection and betrayal, I now had to be the head of the home and navigate not only my own healing, but my children's. I felt totally unprepared for the responsibility of being the sole-provider for my family. 

It was at that moment that I hired a life coach. I began to re-frame the painful events of my past, re-claim my personal power and re-gain the confidence that I needed to re-invent my life from the inside-out. 

That's why I created "The Divorce Recovery Toolkit" so that you could do the same thing! This is everything I wish someone would have told me. 

You are not what happened to you! You are free to LIVE WHOLE, after divorce. It's time to RE-INVENT your life from the inside out with CLARITY, CONFIDENCE & COURAGE!
"I was able to reinvent my life and career after following this blueprint."
"I highly recommend Angela's program for any woman who is willing to put in the deep emotional and mental work 
necessary to achieve results."
- Lauren B.
How does "The Divorce Recovery Toolkit" Course work?
The Divorce Recovery Toolkit is a 6-Module, DIY/Learn-As-You-Live, on-line course consisting of videos and course-work that walks you through the process of reinventing your life after divorce. (All lessons are inside of a membership portal that you will have lifetime access to.)

This program works for ANYONE who commits to the process of watching the videos and doing the course-work.
How do the modules work and what if I'm not tech-savvy?
The modules are easily accessible and housed inside of an on-line membership portal that you will have lifetime access to. Even if you are not technigolical savvy, Coach Angela and her team of experts will make sure you get set up and ready to go. You're not in this alone. Videos and course-work are work-at-your-own-pace. 

This process is so DOABLE and will leave you feeling a great sense of accomlishment.
How long does it take to go through the program?
The Divorce Recovery Toolkit takes as long as you need it to take. You can easily accomplish 2-3 modules a week, but as a work-at-your-own-pace program, you can work it into your schedule.
How long will it take before I start to see results?
While results are not guarenteed, many of the women who have committed themselves to do the work have noticed feeling more clarity, confidence and courage after the first module. 
What are Angela's professional qualifications?
Angela is an Ordained Minister with a 40-year  ministry background, a Certified Life Coach and the best-selling author of Summoned to Soar - Five Stages of the Rise of a Woman. She is a super-supporter of women who feel the call to rise up and soar to new heights; coaching over 1,000 hours, mentoring women to be leaders in their own lives, organizations and communities. She is a mother of four and self-proclaimed "Glammaw" of four precious grand-babies. You can check her out here: www.angelaaja.com   
(c) 2020 - Angela Aja, LLC - All Rights Reserved - angela@angelaaja.com
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